What health issues are you ashamed of?

Did you know that living with a chronic illness can also come along with feelings of stigma? Folks living with diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, and a mental illness report feeling higher rates of stigma than the general population. Even worse, the stigma extends beyond the illness: their families across generations, friendships, work impairment, and…

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Why do we say the wrong thing…

Most of us will find ourselves in situations with a friend or family member that leaves us speechless. Literally, we don’t know what to say or do. Why do we feel this way? Usually, it is because we are embarrassed, feel guilt or shame, or even anger. Simply, we are unsure of how to respond.…

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Death does not mean you cannot gain closure

Closure is usually something we feel we need and is necessary in order to “move on.” However, closure can seem impossible if the person has died. But it is indeed possible. Here are two ways you can gain closure when a loved one has died: Visiting their resting place: Physically going to a cemetery, mausoleum,…

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Communication does not have to be complicated

The simplest solution to a misunderstanding or miscommunication is often the best one. But when it comes to improving communication, many of us get lost in unrealistic expectations and set on ‘being right’ over gaining understanding. An uncomplicated way to communicate is to say exactly what you mean to say. Do not sugar coat the…

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Destigmatize stigma

Stigmata or stigma as it is widely known, is when someone, something, or a behavior is considered undesirable or devalued. Think “I would never want to be XXXX” or “How could someone ever do XXXX”. The XXX are the stigma of the situation. Shame. Guilt. Hate. Division. These are some of the feelings that are…

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Are communication goals a thing?

You set goals in many areas of your life. Exercise goals. Professional goals. Financial goals. Relationship goals. But how often do you think about communication goals? Yes, that is a thing! Think about the number of times that you had a plan in mind for how a conversation would go, and when it was over…

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