Silence cannot be misquoted

We talk way too much. We talk way too much about things that are not our business. We talk way too much to people we should not be talking to in the first place. We talk way too much about things we think we know about. There is value in knowing when to stay silent.…

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Why can’t we establish and maintain boundaries?

Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend have been teaching us about boundaries for almost three decades. And in that time, we all can still get it wrong. In the simplest term, it’s a line of demarcation. A boundary establishes ownership and responsibility in a relationship. Whether it is personal or professional, boundaries allow us to…

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You cannot ‘catch’ a divorce

In the U.S., the divorce rate is still hovering around 50% for first marriages. For subsequent marriages, the divorce rate is even higher. Second marriages have a divorce rate of 67%, with third marriages faring even worse, with a 73% divorce rate. Those statistics might be news to some and a reminder to others. The…

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Why would you ask me that?

There are times when we are asked questions that are offensive, inappropriate, or simply rude. Period. When we find ourselves in these situations, we are so stunned we don’t know what do to or how to respond. In fact, most of us simply try to ignore the question, excuse ourselves, or laugh in the moment…

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Get comfortable with uncomfortable topics

We all have issues and situations that are ‘off limits’ to talk about in our personal relationships with friends and family members. We call these taboo topics. It may be the residue from divorced parents. A secret porn addiction. A child that you didn’t know you had and just found out about. What about the…

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