Silence cannot be misquoted

We talk way too much. We talk way too much about things that are not our business. We talk way too much to people we should not be talking to in the first place. We talk way too much about things we think we know about.

There is value in knowing when to stay silent. There is value in knowing when it is better to simply be quiet. But why must we have the ‘last word’ or the ‘final say’? It is because there is a belief that the last thing that is said is the most valuable and will be remembered. That is not true. When we feel we need to have the last word, chances are we are in the throes of an argument, disagreement, or outright shouting match that will not end well anyway.

There are times when silence is necessary for personal peace. The world is happy to continually take time, resources, energy, and emotions without reciprocity. It is not worth it. Keep reading for three tips on how to be silent and preserve your peace:

  1. Remove yourself. It is acceptable and sometimes necessary to remove yourself from the situation. The removal can be physical. That is, get up and walk away or get in a car and drive away. It can also mean the stopping of intimacy or intercourse if it is a romantic relationship. The removal can also be emotional. Specifically, we are thinking cutting emotional ties. No longer express feelings of togetherness as they once existed. The removal can also be financial. This means that you are no longer dependent on another for financial support.
  2. Give ‘that’ back to the rightful owner. Oftentimes, we take on responsibilities that are not ours. We do things that are not our job. We say ‘yes’ to things that are out of alignment with what we should be doing. Take inventory of your schedule and where time is spent. Review if activities and responsibilities belong to you or belong to someone else. Everything that belongs to someone else should be returned to their rightful owner.
  3. Do not respond. Simply, do not respond to text messages, emails, messages in the DMs, or phone calls. In fact, blocking someone from the ability to reach you is a way to ensure that you will not respond.

Silence is a response. Silence is an answer. Use your silence.



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